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1 STUDIEDREGIONANDANALYSISMETHODLocatedatnorthwesternmarginofTenggerDesertand70kmnortheastofMinqinCountyinGansuProvince,QingtuLakebelongstotheShiyangRiverDryDelta,andthealtitudeis1292-1310m.Theregionhasthecharacteroftemperatecontinentalariddesertcli…  相似文献   
青土湖近6000年来沉积气候记录研究--兼论四五世纪气候回暖   总被引:24,自引:3,他引:21  
对青土湖志云村剖面沉积气候记录和湖泊进退进行了研究,证实季风边缘区河西走廓东段存在暖湿,冷干气候变化的阶段性特征。根据湖相沉积的颜色,粒度,化学组成和有机质含量等气候代用指标的综合分析,提出公元四五世纪存在一次百年尺度上的气候回暖,这一气候回暖事件的发现,可得到历史文献记录和青海湖自然记录的佐证。  相似文献   
利用长江三峡工程坝区及外围深部构造的人工地震波记录资料,进行了相对速度幅值、速度反应谱和加速度反应谱衰减特征分析,同时利用历史地震资料经转换方法给出的地震动衰减规律进行对比,反映出由人工地震记录地震动参数衰减特征与由历史资料转换确定的地震动衰减特征是有差异的,在不同地质条件的局部地区,这一差异更为明显。这些结果可为缺乏强震记录的地区的地震动估计提供参考。  相似文献   
试论中国古大陆中-新元古代汇聚与裂解的地质记录   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自1990年新元古Rodinia超大陆提出后,现已发展成地学研究热点之一。在全球新元古代超大陆旋回的汇聚与裂解机制影响下,中国古大陆也随之变化。中元古代末一新元古代初的汇聚和新元古代晚期的裂解是最重要的两次地质事件。塔里木、华北、华南古陆都有它的地质记录。晋宁事件应是中元古代晚期-新元古代早期,北秦岭地块与中秦岭地块俯冲一碰撞造山作用和新元古代时期Rodinia超大陆形成的主要地质事件;华南的武陵运动,使华夏古陆与扬子地块发生碰撞形成统一的“华南古陆”。在塔里木古陆与哈萨克斯坦一伊犁古陆之间的那拉提南缘碰撞带,甘肃北山南带柳园及青海柴达木盆地北部边缘的榴辉岩一花岗岩带的发现都是最新的研究成果。  相似文献   
西藏扎布耶湖ZK91-2钻孔沉积特征与气候环境演化   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
齐文  郑绵平 《湖泊科学》1995,7(2):33-140
扎布耶盐湖位于西藏高原腹地,1991年在其南部干盐滩中钻取了20m深湖相沉积,以5~10cm/个的密度进行高分辨率取样,详细探讨了沉积标志、矿物组合(尤其Mg、Ca、Li碳酸盐)、干旱与潮湿两种气候类型的元素组合等气候环境指标,推导了晚更新世以来该湖区湖面涨缩、水质咸谈及气温高低变化。  相似文献   
乌恰地震加速度记录特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋和平  柔洁 《内陆地震》1990,4(3):239-246
研究了1985年乌恰余震取得的加速度记录,从地质及地球物理的角度探讨一些加速度异常点。分析了记录的峰值加速度与震害及场地烈度的对应关系。对比了竖向和水平向加速度、速度反应谱及谱与震级的变化特征。  相似文献   
Bowser Lake, a fiord lake in the northern Coast Mountains of British Columbia, contains a thick Holocene fill consisting mainly of silt and clay varves. These sediments were carried into the lake by proglacial Bowser River which drains a high-energy, heavily glacierized basin. Sedimentation in the lake is controlled by seasonal snow and ice melt, by autumn rainstorms, and by rare, but very large jökulhlaups from glacier-dammed lakes in the upper Bowser River basin which complicate environmental inferences from the sedimentary record. Sediment is dispersed through the deep western part of the lake by energetic turbidity currents. The turbidity currents apparently do not overtop a sill that separates the western basin from much shallower areas to the east. Large amounts of silt and clay are deposited from suspension in the eastern part of the lake, but sediment accumulation rates there are much lower than to the west. Several strong acoustic reflectors punctuate the varved fill in the western basin; these may be thick or relatively coarse beds deposited during jökulhlaups or exceptionally large storms. The contemporary sediment yield to Bowser Lake, estimated from sediments in the lake, is about 360 t km-2a-1. This is a relatively high value, but it is less than yields insome other, similar montane basins with extensive snow and ice cover.The most likely explanation for the difference is that large amounts of sediment have been, and continue to be, stored on the Bowser delta andin small proglacial lakes.  相似文献   
An approach to generate artificial earthquakeaccelerograms on hard soil sites is presented. Eachtime-history of accelerations is considered as arealization of a non-stationary gaussian stochasticprocess, with statistical parameters depending onmagnitude and source-to-site distance. In order tolink the values of these parameters for each groundmotion record with the corresponding magnitude andsource-to-site distance, semi-empirical functionalrelations called generalized attenuationfunctions are determined. The set of realground-motion time histories used to obtain thesefunctions correspond to shocks generated at differentsources and recorded at different sites in thevicinity of the southern coast of Mexico. The resultsshow significant dispersion in the parameters of themodel adopted, which reflect that associated with thereal earthquakes included in the sample employed.The problem of conditional simulation of artificialacceleration time histories for prescribed intensitiesis briefly presented, but its detailed study is leftfor a companion paper. The criteria and modelsproposed are applied to generate two families ofartificial acceleration records for recurrenceintervals of 100 and 200 years at a specific sitelocated in the region under study. The results shownin this article correspond to acceleration timehistories recorded on firm ground for earthquakesgenerated at the subduction zone that runs along thesouthern coast of Mexico, and cannot be generalized tocases of earthquakes generated at other sources orrecorded at other types of local conditions. Thismeans that the methods and functional forms presentedhere are applicable to these other cases, but thevalues of the parameters that characterize thosefunctions may differ from those presented here.  相似文献   
Fragility curves express the probability of structural damage due to earthquakes as a function of ground motion indices, e.g., PGA, PGV. Based on the actual damage data of highway bridges from the 1995 Hyogoken‐Nanbu (Kobe) earthquake, a set of empirical fragility curves was constructed. However, the type of structure, structural performance (static and dynamic) and variation of input ground motion were not considered to construct the empirical fragility curves. In this study, an analytical approach was adopted to construct fragility curves for highway bridge piers of specific bridges. A typical bridge structure was considered and its piers were designed according to the seismic design codes in Japan. Using the strong motion records from Japan and the United States, non‐linear dynamic response analyses were performed, and the damage indices for the bridge piers were obtained. Using the damage indices and ground motion indices, fragility curves for the bridge piers were constructed assuming a lognormal distribution. The analytical fragility curves were compared with the empirical ones. The proposed approach may be used in constructing the fragility curves for highway bridge structures. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
青藏高原全新世植被的时空分布   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
唐领余  李春海 《冰川冻土》2001,23(4):367-374
根据青藏高原 30个点湖泊的孢粉记录综合研究显示 :在进入全新世之前 (12kaBP以前 )除最东南部外 ,高原从东到西均发育为荒漠草原植被 .全新世早期 (12~ 9.0kaBP)高原东南部 (10 4°~ 98°E)为落叶阔叶林 /针阔叶混交林 ,季风已进入本区 ,气温比前期上升 2~ 4°C ,降水波动于 35 0~ 5 5 0mm之间 .中部 (98°~ 92°E)为草甸或灌丛草甸 ,再向西至 80°E左右为草原植被 ,气候寒冷干燥 ,平均气温比现在低 4.5~ 5 .5℃ .最西部 10 .5~ 9.9kaBP出现相当于欧洲新仙女木气候倒转事件 .全新世中期 (9.0~ 3.2kaBP)高原由东向西古植被依次发育为针阔混交林或硬叶阔叶林 (10 4°~ 98°E)→针阔混交林 (98°~ 80°E)→灌丛草甸→草原 (92°~ 80°E) .中期气候比早晚期温暖湿润 ,东南部 1月份气温高于现在 3℃ ,年降水量比现今多 2 5 0mm以上 .中西部气候温暖湿润 ,出现高湖面期 ,年均温高出现在 5℃以上 ;全新世晚期 (3.2kaBP以后 )由东向西古植被依次为硬叶阔叶林→针阔混交林→草甸→草原→荒漠 ,气温降水呈非线性下降 ,越向西下降幅度越大 .东南部 1月份气温比中期下降 4~ 4.5℃ ,年降水少 35 0mm ,东北部最冷月气温比中期下降 8℃左右 .中西部严重干旱 ,湖面降低 ,湖水变咸  相似文献   
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